Relax your body. Refresh your mind. Renew your life.


Common treatable Conditions: Gynecology, Insomnia, Skin Solution, Allergy, Alzheimer, Diabetes, Eye Disorders and Diseases, Hyperhidrosis, Hypertension, Heperlipidemia, Pain Management, Parkinson, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Shingles, Sports Injury, Stroke Sequelae, Spincal Cord injury Sequelae, and more.

Consultation & Herbal Medicine

R3 Herbal Medicine is tailored to treat your needs. Our practitioner works with individual to learn about your lifestyle, body constitution, and area of concerns, then prescribe based on your latest health conditions. Natural herbal medicine from Asia for thousands of years of clinical studies that targeting holistic health and well-being, embracing the traditional Chinese Medicine, Japanese Ka... Read More

R3 Herbal Medicine is tailored to treat your needs. Our practitioner works with individual to learn about your lifestyle, body constitution, and area of concerns, then prescribe based on your latest health conditions. Natural herbal medicine from Asia for thousands of years of clinical studies that targeting holistic health and well-being, embracing the traditional Chinese Medicine, Japanese Kampo Medicine, Korean Hanbang, and Indian Ayurveda.

Massage Therapy

Seasonal Herbal Patch Therapy

Seasonal Herbal Patch Therapy is a natural way to enhance your own ability for keeping the balance of immune system, and alleviating allergies. Only two therapy in a year: San Fu Tie in Summer and San Jiu Tie in Winter. - Naturally support your immune function - Reduce the occurrence of hay fever, allergic rhinitis, asthma - Avoid getting cold/flu Traditionally, a Chinese Medicine stra... Read More

Seasonal Herbal Patch Therapy is a natural way to enhance your own ability for keeping the balance of immune system, and alleviating allergies. Only two therapy in a year: San Fu Tie in Summer and San Jiu Tie in Winter.

- Naturally support your immune function
- Reduce the occurrence of hay fever, allergic rhinitis, asthma
- Avoid getting cold/flu

Traditionally, a Chinese Medicine strategy is to "treat winter illnesses in the summer."

San Fu Tie is a significant theory of preventive medicine that has been passed down and practiced for generations.

According to the principle from Su Wen: "Si Qi Tiao Shen Lun" (Treatise on the Four Qi & Regulating the Spirit), one may "reinforce the Yang in spring and summer" through the seasonal Herbal Patch Therapy. The correct Qi may be invigorated to defend against pathogenic factors and in term, treat and prevent conditions commonly occurring in winter.

San Fu Tie (Summer herbal patch therapy) is most ideal for treating winter respiratory conditions such as allergies, asthma, allergic rhinitis, chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pulmonary emphysema, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease...etc - conditions that are generally associated with Yang-deficiency or predominantly cold in a mixed condition. It is also suitable for individuals with a deficient and cold body constitution, who commonly notice aversion to cold, aversion to wind, or is prone to catching colds frequently during the winter cold seasons.

Timing is critical for seasonal patch therapy. As San Fu Days are most abundant with heat and Yang energy, the human body, in correspondence, is also full of Yang Qi and open pores, making it most susceptible to the benefits of the external herbal treatments. Application is often chosen to be on the first day of each of the “San Fu Days” for a total of 5 consecutive applications. With regards to scheduling appointments in the modern day and time, applications may also be performed on nearby days as well. However, an interval of 7~10 days should be maintained between the 3 consecutive applications every year. To strengthen and consolidate the effects, it is also often performed on “San Jiu Days”, which is regarded as the coldest time in northern hemisphere, when cold & flu, allergic rhinitis, asthma and chronic bronchitis most commonly occur.

Cupping Therapy

Dau Chin Chen (Jessica) graduated from the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine & Pharmacology Canada in 2019. Before she got RMT license, she worked in spa field for long time. She is passionate about helping people of all ages with acute and chronic conditions to improve their wellness.

Jessica has been trained in Swedish, and deep tissue techniques, myofascial release, trigger point therapy, joint mobilizations, Pregnancy massage, hot stone therapy, reflexology. Her treatment consists of posture education, exercise plan, activity modification. Jessica always works together with her patients to achieve a short and long-term goal for treatment. She never stops learning — she strives to continue her study to become a better therapist for her patients. Jessica is able to provide service in English, Mandarin, Chinese, and Taiwanese.

Dau Chin Chen (Jessica) graduated from the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine & Pharmaco... Read More

Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

Dr. Chen is passionate about incorporate the natural remedies into modern everyday life.

Common treatable conditions: Gynecology, Insomnia, Skin Solution, Allergy, Alzheimer, Diabetes, Eye Disorders and Diseases, Hyperhidrosis, Hypertension, Heperlipidemia, Pain Management, Parkinson, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Shingles, Sports Injury, Stroke Sequelae, Spincal Cord injury Sequelae, and more.

Treatable Conditions

>Ophthalmology 眼科

■ Dry eye syndrome – 乾眼症

■ Muscae volitantes – 飛蚊症

■ Diplopia – 複視

■ Strabismus – 斜視

■ Visual field defect – 視野缺損

■ Optic atrophy – 視神經萎縮

■ Macular lesion – 黃斑部病變

■ Glaucoma – 青光眼

■ Cataract – 白內障

■ Presbyopia – 老花眼

■ Shortsightedness – 近視

■ Allergic Conjunctivitis – 過敏性結膜炎

>Neurological Disorders 常見神經疾病

■ Autonomic disorder (Dysautonomia) – 自律神經失調

■ Peripheral neuropathy – 周邊神經病變

■ Migraine – 偏頭痛

>Gynecology 婦科

■ PMS – 經痛

■ Infertility – 助孕

■ PCOS – 多囊性卵巢症候群

■ Amenorrhea – 閉經

■ Hormone balance – 荷爾蒙失調

>Neurological Intensive 神經重症

■ Parkinson – 巴金森氏症

■ Alzheimer – 阿兹海默氏症

■ Sequela of cerebral apoplexy – 腦中風後遺症

■ Cerebellar atrophy -小腦萎縮症

■ Brain nerve injury Sequelae – 腦神經損傷後遺症

■ Spinal Cord injury Sequelae– 脊髓損傷後遺症

■ Cerebral palsy – 腦性麻痺

■ Brain tumor disease – 腦腫瘤病發症

■ Motor neuron disease – 運動神經麻痺

■ ALS – 漸凍症

■ Facial nerve palsy – 顏面神經麻痺

■ Tourette syndrome – 妥瑞氏症

■ Intrinsic tremor – 本態性震顫

■ Postherpetic neuralgia – 帶狀疱疹神經後遺症

>Arthritis 關節炎

■ Osteoarthritis – 退化性關節炎

■ Rheumatoid arthritis – 類風濕性關節炎

■ Gout – 痛風

>Pain Management 痛症

■ Neck & shoulder pain 肩頸疼痛

■ Knee pain 膝蓋疼痛

■ Back Pain 背部疼痛

■ Sports Injury 運動傷害

Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Dr. Chen is passionate about incorporate the natur... Read More

Registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner (R.TCM.P.)

Hing Lai Henry Hung is a motivated TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) practitioner, registered in British Columbia Canada and in Hong Kong. Graduated from Bachelor and Master degree of TCM in Chinese University of Hong Kong, and conferred upon the Doctorate degree of TCM gynecology in Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, under the supervision of Professor Song-ping Luo. Expertise to treat not only gynecological diseases, but also other physical and mental disorders. Provides acupuncture, cupping, herbal medicine and TianJiu herbal patch therapy.


Language: English, Catonese, Mandarin 語言: 英文,粵語,普通話

Treatable Conditions 主治範圍

Gynecological diseases: mensural disorder, infertility (included IUI/IVF related issues), recurrent miscarriage, prenatal and postpartum care, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), menopausal syndrome etc. 婦科疾病:月經不調、痛經、不孕症、習慣性流產、產前產後各種不適、多囊卵巢綜合症、更年期綜合症等

Digestive diseases: Indigestion, gastroenteritis, irritable bowel syndrome etc. 消化系統疾病:功能性消化不良、腸胃炎、腸易激綜合症等

Dermatological diseases: eczema, hives, acne, seborrheic dermatitis, hair loss etc. 皮膚疾病:濕疹、蕁麻疹、痤瘡、脂溢性皮炎、脫髮等

Pain disorders: Sports injuries, muscle strains, arthritis, neck and shoulder pain, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, de Quervain’s tenosynovitis, metacarpal syndrome, disc herniation, knee osteoarthritis, rheumatic arthritis, gout etc. 痛症:運動創傷、肌肉勞損、關節炎、頸椎病、肩周炎、網球肘、橈骨莖突狹窄性腱鞘炎、腕管綜合症、腰肌勞損、腰椎間盤突出、膝關節骨性關節炎、類風濕性關節炎、痛風等

Insomnia, headache, vertigo, depression, anxiety, obesity, post-stroke complications. 內科雜病:失眠、頭痛、眩暈、抑鬱症、焦慮症、肥胖症、中風後遺症等

Andrological disorders: Impotency, infertility etc. 男科疾病:性功能低下、不育症等

Registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner (R.TCM.P.) Hing Lai Henry Hung is a motivat... Read More

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